
Max Euston

tech tips

balance v.
1. The act of building a productive system from elements which may dynamically resist such organization.
2. Evolving through changing priorities and requirements in order to maintain stability.
3. Fostering agility via a positive feedback environment that ensures durability.

Components of balance (positions along a single dimension)

As would be taught in a hypothetical "Balance 101" college course, these are the basic building blocks.

Concept (Education/Theory)Implementation (Experience/Practice)
Learn (Listen)Teach (Talk)
Lead (Pull)Follow (Push)
Conformist (Perpetuate)Activist (Change)
Order (Structured)Chaos (Untethered)
Art (Form)Science (Function)
Sociologist (People)Technologist (Things)
Risk (Loss)Reward (Gain)
Tactical (Transient)Strategic (Prolonged)

Zero-dimensional balance (fixed/unyielding)

Certain traits define you as a person - these are your tenets. Whether you are an intern or a CEO, these are the attributes that support your work and life.

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Respect

A system in balance (higher dimensions)

This is the real world; life does not exist in a single dimension. Rarely, are we presented with only 2 extremes. Indeed, we find ourselves challanged to balance multiple (sometimes orthogonal; often conflicting) positions. Additionally, the components are dynamic in nature; what functions one day, will fail the next. How we endure in this environment is the true measure of our proficiency for balance and agility.